
Grimm hexenbiest connection
Grimm hexenbiest connection

Renard, who has a complicated, intimate connection to both of the women. “She’s scared that either going to kill her, or she could kill him.” “She doesn’t totally understand what’s going on, but she knows enough about this world that Hexenbiests are basically the mortal enemies of Grimms,” Tulloch adds. Silverton remains hesitant to tell the love of her life about her recent, possibly irrevocable (?) change. RELATED Grimm‘s Reggie Lee on an Enlightened Wu: ‘It’s a Freaky Situation’ She’s just angry, and these are the side effects of what’s going on,” the actress says. “Right now, when she’s doing stuff and making stuff fly or making stuff break or killing people, she’s not doing it on purpose. Tulloch cautions that, although Juliette’s new power is considerable, it’s also uncontrollable - at least, for the moment. “I was just like, ‘I can’t! These girls aren’t human!’ They’re such badasses.” While watching their stand-ins (Mallory Thompson for Juliette and Helena Barrett for Adalind) go through the moves, Coffee says, she was in awe. “I’m excited, mostly just to see how it’s all cut together.” “I think for everybody’s sake, including the show’s insurance policy, it’s better we didn’t actually ,” she says, laughing during a break in filming an upcoming episode. RELATED Grimm Casts ‘Prince William’ to Play (Wait for It) a Royal Stunt doubles stood in for both actresses during shooting of the throwdown - which is probably for the best, considering Coffee is now visibly pregnant with her first child. “And it’s something that they had to do really well and do it big, because this is something the fans have been begging for four seasons.” “It took an entire day to shoot this one fight,” Tulloch says, sitting in a quiet part of the set that normally stands in for a posh hotel room.

Grimm hexenbiest connection